Swaad 'Anu'saar

Why aloe vera is great for you

Aloe vera alleviates breathing issues, reduces aches in joints and even helps get rid of lice. Try this plant today.
anurita guptaby Anurita Gupta

If aloe vera were a pop group, it would undoubtedly be The Beatles. This wonder plant is a true star, and it finds its place in history for thousands of years. Legend has it that Aristotle advised his student, Alexander the Great, to invade the island of Socrota to get all the aloe vera plants from there in order to use it to heal the wounds of his soldiers.

Although it looks like a hybrid cactus, aloe vera actually belongs to the lily family from the south of Africa. This plant’s gel and juice are said to possess miraculous healing qualities. The aloe gel, also known as ‘mucilage’ is taken from the inner part of the aloe leaf and the aloe vera juice comes from the latex part of the plant, just beneath the skin. The juice is said to contain the laxative aloin.

There are over two hundred useful ingredients in aloe vera, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharide, and fatty acids. That is the reason why there is a whole list of benefits that this wonder plant accords. Apply it or add it to your favourite drink (non alcoholic ) for the following benefits:

Wrinkle-free, glowing skin: Throw away that wrinkle cream or herbal skin potion. Aloe vera gel is the only natural, sure-shot preventive solution for wrinkles, since it is a fantastic moisturiser. Dry or sensitive, acne-prone or psoriasis-ridden skin, aloe vera gel is said to be the best solution for all skin issues, because it provides oxygen to the epithelial cells that act as a power booster to get healthy skin.

Try this: Cut up an aloe vera plant leaf and slice it down the centre to extract just the gel, not the latex from the aloe vera gelsides. Whirl it in the blitzer and apply it on your face just before going to bed every night. Not only will you have acne-free, smooth, glowing skin, but wrinkles will say good bye forever!

Rapunzel-may-get-jealous hair: Opt for aloe vera gel if you want your inner Rapunzel to come alive. Use the gel directly on your scalp to rid it of dandruff or – eeeks! – even lice. You can get lush, strong, shiny hair thanks to the vitamins and folic acid stocked in this miracle plant.

Try this: Apply the gel on a clean scalp right after washing your hair with a light shampoo. Keep it on for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Also, there are many off-the-counter shampoos available with aloe vera as an ingredient, so you could opt for those.

aloe vera gelHealth in a glass: Aloe vera comprises Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin and therefore, having a glass of aloe vera juice daily can boost our immunity and assist it in fighting against pesky free radicals and pollution-generated stress on our body. You can buy aloe vera juice at many chemist shops. They are also available in many flavours including green apple, mint and grape.

Try this: Aloe vera juice is very high in minerals. Drinking it regularly will supply you with essential minerals and help you attain optimum blood flow and a healthier BMR (Body Mass Ratio). It is a natural cleanser, so it is a great antacid that cures digestion issues in a matter of days. Drink a glass of aloe vera juice in the morning and feel a heightened sense of well-being.

Happy joints and hearts: Densely packed with 12 natural ingredients such as copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc and potassium, aloe vera helps in lowering inflammation naturally. In short, if you have aloe vera juice on a daily basis chances are that you would not have to visit the ‘bone doctor’ too soon. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory benefits of this plant, it aids in mobilising muscles and joints. Not only that, there’s the bonus advantage of lowered blood sugar and lesser cholesterol, thanks to aloe vera’s ability to greatly multiply supply of oxygen in the blood.

Try this: Add some aloe vera gel to a smoothie or milk shake of your choice. Also, the next time you have aching joints, there’s no need to rub ‘ghee’ on them – just apply an anti-inflammatory gel that contains aloe.

Breathe free: Aloe vera juice can aid extensively in cases of respiratory disorders. Having a glass daily can actually be very helpful for those who chronically have the sniffles, aloe-vera-gelinfluenza, bronchitis and many other allergies. Aloe vera comprises sulphur, lupeol, salicylic acid, cinnamic acid, urea nitrogen and phenol that thwart the development of bad bacteria in the body, thereby reducing chances of all sorts of internal and external infections. So time to say ‘bottoms up’ to an aloe vera shot and breathe free.

While there are many products available in stores containing this brilliant plant, it is always recommended that you your own aloe vera gel or juice. The price you pay for this plant is a mere Rs 45 and it grows as beautifully indoors as in strong sunlight. Also, while its daily external application as a gel is highly recommended, there are naturopaths who advise against consuming aloe vera juice regularly because they believe it has to be used as a medicine for cure and not necessarily as a ‘healthy living’ magic potion.

(Pictures courtesy,,,


Be fresh-faced all summer long

With increasing heat and humidity, you’ll need to keep your face clean and fresh all day. Try these easy tips.
by Beverley Lewis

Ah, summer. A time for cold showers and water-rich foods. This is also the season when you need to keep your face fresh and cool – often, just having a clean, sweat-free face does wonders to get you through the day.

Try these tips for a fresh face all summer:

1. Get cleansed. Use a high quality cleanser to wash your face off sweat and grime. Make sure the cleanser is suited to your skin type. Try and wash your face twice a day to get rid of all impurities and keep the skin fresh. But ensure that the facewash you use does not contain any lauryl or laureth sulfates, as well as petroleum-based ingredients, as these tend to damage the skin due to the harsh chemicals in them.

2. Scrub it! Exfoliating skin helps remove dead skin cells and brings new skin cells to the surface. This helps keep the skin soft and gives you a glowing complexion.  

Make this simple scrub at home: You will need a tablespoon of sugar or salt, plus a tablespoon of almond or coconut oil. Mix this until you get a coarse paste. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to this mixture if you like a bit of fragrance. Use this scrub daily.

Or if you don’t have the time, simply use a natural bristle brush to get rid of dead skin on your body. Your skin will feel invigorated after you exfoliate and you will end up looking young and healthy. You can also buy readymade scrubs to suit your skin type.

3. Get toned. Use a good toner, as this will help close your pores and remove any excess cleanser and dirt and also help restore the skin’s natural pH balance. If your skin is oily, you’ll want to use an astringent as this helps get rid of the excess oil. For very dry skin, use rose water and witchhazel for oily or acne-prone skin. Using a toner or an astringent is an important step, as it helps prep the skin.

4. Moisturise. Make sure that the skin on your face and body is well-moisturised during summer, as air conditioning zaps moisture from your skin. Try and use a light water-based moisturiser and avoid thick body butters and creams, as they do not get absorbed into the skin and can lead to skin infections and breakouts.

If you want to go natural, apply grapeseed oil with a few drops of rose hip seed essential oil, as this is easily absorbed into the face and body and gives you a fresh, glowing complexion.

5. Back to nature. There’s so much fresh fruit available at this time of the year, and this is the ideal time to take advantage of all that Mother Nature has to offer our skin. Putting fresh fruits on the face and body helps revitalise it with vitamins and minerals. It is also a quick and easy fix.

If your skin is oily, grab a lemon or strawberry and apply some of the juice on your face and let it dry. Do this if you want a fresh dewy complexion.

For dry skin, mash a banana or avocado and let sit on your face for about 30 minutes and then wash it off. A face mask made from fresh cucumber is also great for any skin type and can help reduce red, puffy eyes.

6. Summer essentials. Whether you’re heading to the office or to the beach, you need to apply a good sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Make sure that the sunscreen you choose is labelled ‘broad spectrum’, which means it blocks both UVA and UVB sunlight.

Always apply sunscreen before heading outside. Remember to cover often-forgotten spots such as the back of knees, ears, eye area and neck. Apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before going outside. Then reapply every two hours, or sooner if you have been walking around in the sun, especially between 11 am to 4 pm. Also, remember that water-resistant sunscreen wears off sooner, so keep reapplying it every hour you spend outdoors.

Clothing can also help. But forget about tossing on a flimsy white tee. A white T-shirt has limited protective value. If you can see through the tee, the sun can shine through and burn the skin. Dark, tight-woven clothing that covers all exposed skin is best. You can also buy clothing that is specially treated with chemicals that help protect against ultraviolet sunlight.

On a side note, if you do get sunburned, aloe very gel is a great way to treat the burn and heal the skin. You can also use a wide brim hat to protect your face and hair and a good pair of shades to protect your peepers.

7. Drink plenty of H20. This is extremely important. Your skin is a reflection of your state of health on the inside. Drinking lots of water flushes out toxins and helps keep the skin moist and hydrated. Also, in summer we tend to sweat more, so replenishing lost fluids is important. Make sure you drink filtered water. Tap/city water usually contains lots of added elements like chlorine and fluoride, plus heavy metals like lead or iron. The point is to get rid of toxins, not introduce more into your system.

So, although the summer might try to throw you and your skin a curveball,  if you follow these few simple solutions you will look and feel great and have everyone complimenting you on your healthy glowing complexion.

Have a beauty question? Write to us at or tweet your query @MetrognomeIndia and Beverley will answer it for you.

(Pictures courtesy,,

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