
‘The body achieves what the mind believes’

The Mumbai Marathon is here. A participant tells us how he’s been shaping up for the race that happens tomorrow.
by Akshay Kapur

Concluding part of the ‘Mumbai Marathon’ Diaries

Though I’ve maintained an active lifestyle, I started training specifically for the Mumbai Marathon about four months ago. I trained both outdoors and in the gym.

Some people train really intensively for the Marathon, but I made sure that my normal training duration did not exceed one hour, six days a week. Prior to the Marathon training, I did a lot of compound activity and functional training. Training for the upcoming run on Sunday has had a very beneficial effect on me – it has helped me remain very focussed on my fitness goals. Running this particular Marathon has always been an amazing experience for me.

I modified my fitness regime for the Marathon a bit – I incorporated more of cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance exercises. I have also been following a very good eating pattern, reducing my carbs and fat intake and increasing protein intake. I’ve been leading a very disciplined lifestyle overall. I didn’t hire a professional trainer to guide me for the training, but the team at my gym has given me a lot of guidance and motivation.

When I first participated, I wanted to push my fitness to the next level. And every time I have participated in the Marathon, I have crossed another barrier that I never imagined I would. I guess the body achieves what the mind believes!

Akshay Kapur is 30 and works as a sales manager.

(Picture courtesy Akshay Kapur and

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