
Banish those dark circles

Don’t let ugly dark circles ruin your good looks. Try these tricks to let your eyes really do the talking.
by Deepa Mistry

With stress and bad lifestyle choices taking a toll on our skin, it is but natural that dark circles appear under our eyes and refuse to go away. Add to that the fact that most of us don’t get as much sleep or good nutrition as we need, and dark circles become a permanent bane.

remove dark circlesBut don’t let those ugly dark circles tarnish your beautiful looks. We all go that extra mile to get rid of them with tons of makeup, but there are simple ways to get rid of them.

The bony structure of the skull into which eyes are deeply set can develop shadows, typically called ‘dark circles’. They are caused due to a variety of reasons; heredity is a big reason, or they can happen to people who are born with thinner skins under their eyes. Fatigue, shortage of sleep, shortage of essential nutrients, sinus problems, hormonal imbalances as a result of menstruation, pregnancy or menopause are some other reasons. Age is also a factor.

If you suffer from dark circles, try these remedies:

– Grate some raw potato and soak a cotton ball in the potato juice. Close your eyes and place these cotton balls on your eyes. Make sure they cover the dark circles under your eyes as well as the eyelids. Leave them on for 10 minutes and wash off with cold water. Similarly, cucumber is a very good astringent and skin toner. Follow the same procedure with cucumber.

– Excessive smoking and drinking cause dark circles, so cut down on these habits.

– Cotton balls dipped in rose water and placed on the eyes and left for some time may cure or remove dark circles.

– Almond oil has been a time-tested remedy for dark circles. Apply a paste of almonds mixed with milk on the dark area on the affected area before going to bed, and wash it off with cold water the next morning. Alternatively, apply almond oil before you sleep for a few days till you see visible results. This will lighten up your skin.

– Application of cold tea bags on the affected eyes and leaving them on for a few minutes is an effective way of removing dark circles.tea bags over eyes

– Vitamin C and iron are known to be essential food supplements for removing dark circles. Try applying a cream rich in Vitamin E and C for reducing under-eye circles.

– Apply a paste of crushed mint leaves under your eyes and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash off gently. This will relax your eyes.

– Wash your eyes with cold water at regular intervals, this will help soothe them. It also cleanses the eyes.

– Lemon juice, orange lentil flour, puree of tomato and turmeric paste when blended and applied on the eyes and left for 15 minutes is a very good remedy for dark circles.

If beautiful eyes top your wish list, we hope these home remedies will work wonders for you.

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Work-outs made simpler

This is the season of unpredictable, heavy showers. So what do you do when your outdoor exercise plans fall through?
by Deepa Mistry

The weather may be rainy, gloomy, dull and it’s always humid, since the rains have become so unpredictable. This has affected so many of our outdoor activities like shopping, exercising or even going to the gym. Rains have disturbed our regular exercise routines on many occasions, but don’t let this season deter you from a great workout even if it means you have to do it at home.

Try these:
skipping– It is a good idea to invest in a skipping rope. If you are used to going out for an early morning walk or jog, a sudden shower can delay or derail your plan. But stick to your daily cardio kick: warm up with a few stretching exercises, followed by jogging on the spot. Once you’re done stretching your legs and arms, skip for 15 minutes. This provides the same or more of the benefits of a jog, and it will tone your leg and arm muscles.

– Get a pair of dumbbells, as they help burn fat when used in various exercises. Do curls, squats, lunges, rows and kickbacks using dumbbells for an effective workout.

– Also try push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups, pull-ups and chair dips. These will tone your arms, shoulders and ab muscles.

– If you are not a gym person, sit-ups, waist bends, knee bends, and calf exercises are a great way to flex your muscles. Pick a spot in your home that lets you hold on to a support and also provides ample space to spread yourself.

– Enroll in a kickboxing class. Kickboxing is a fast and energetic workout which burns several calories per hour, faster than burning kickboxingcalories on an exercycle or a cross-trainer.

– Dancing is the best workout for everybody. Just turn up the volume and dance like no one’s watching. This makes the body flexible and is the most enjoyable workout.

– If you’ve been thinking of investing in a treadmill this maybe the best time to buy it, as it will last you a long time and you don’t need to go out for your walk or run.

– Yoga is the most recommended indoor exercise. Practice simple asanas to keep yourself fit. Yoga also helps reduce respiratory problems that are very common during the monsoon season. Encourage your children and family to practice pranayam daily, as it increases concentration and reduces stress levels. Besides, yoga is very beneficial for pregnant women and heart patients. Suryanamaskar should be practised atleast five times daily, early in the morning.

– Don’t be a couch potato; ditch the television and opt for cleaning. It has been found that sweeping and mopping the floors provides as much exercise as 10 minutes on the treadmill. Even tidying up your room, making the beds, cleaning the ceiling fan are activities that burn calories and tone your arms and shoulders.

– Exercise balls are another useful tool for home exercise programmes. They may be used for balance and proprioceptive training, core strengthening, and as a bench to perform your bench press on. They come in different sizes and will often include an entire workout programme for you to follow, so choose one based on your requirements.

– Skip the lift and take the stairs. This is a very effective for fat burn. On the days that you can’t go out and exercise, walk up and down the stairs at a constant speed for a good workout.

– YouTube has several exercise videos to choose from, and several TV channels offer fitness programmes. Choose from a traditional or step aerobic workout, belly dancing, yoga and other formats. These programmes have a host who explains the exercises and how to do them. Alternatively, invest in a fitness trainer who will design an indoor workout for you.

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Prevent early signs of aging

Are you worried that your skin looks older than you? Follow a few simple steps and reduce wrinkles right now.
by Deepa Mistry

No one likes to look old, whether they are in their early 30s or older. To look younger, we all end up spending a bomb on over-the-counter products, prescription creams and fillers, and, most drastically, cosmetic surgery. But do any of these really work? Maybe yes, but only temporarily.

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the natural aging process. As we become older, our skin becomes thinner, drier and less elastic. Our skin’s ability to protect itself from damage is also reduced as we age. Eventually wrinkles, creases and lines form on our skin.

According to Medilexicon’s medical dictionary, “A wrinkle is a furrow, fold, or crease in the skin, particularly of a type seen with increasing occurrence as a result of sun exposure or, in perioral skin (skin lining the inside of the mouth), cigarette smoking; associated with degeneration of dermal elastic tissue.”

Wrinkles are the creases, folds or ridges we see on our skin. The first most visible signs, however, appear on our face. There are two main types of wrinkles: Surface lines and Deep furrows. Most wrinkles tend to appear in the parts of the body which receive the most sun exposure, including the backs of hands, face, neck and tops of forearms. With our lifestyles, apart from the normal aging process, there are many other factors that cause wrinkles.

smokingSmoking produces free radicals in the body. These cause wrinkles and age-related skin problems to develop sooner. Free radicals also increase the risk of non-melanoma skin cancers. Smokers tend to have thinner skin, and more and deeper wrinkles than nonsmokers. Cigarette smokers are also more prone to skin cancers, including squamous cell carcinoma and giant basal cell carcinoma.

Research has found that women who smoke have much lower levels of Vitamin E secretions in their skin. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that may help protect the skin from sun damage. People who spend considerable time out in the sun if their job requires them to or during their leisure hours are more likely to develop wrinkles earlier. Avoid smoking; heavy smokers are almost five times more likely to show excessive wrinkling than nonsmokers. Even passive smoke is dangerous to skin.

Protect your skin from the sun. Sunlight exposure is the most important cause of early aging of skin (a process called photoaging). Sunlight exposure is also the main cause of skin cancers.

The two types of sun rays that can injure the skin are ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB). Exposure sunlight exposureto ultraviolet radiation accounts for most of the symptoms of early skin aging. Much of the damage is underway by age 20. Even small amounts of UV radiation trigger the processes leading to skin wrinkles.

Intense exposure to sunlight in early life is an important cause of melanoma, an aggressive type of skin cancer. Wear sunscreen and sunglasses.

your genesDon’t blame your genes. Your genes only govern 30 per cent of how you age. The other 70 per cent is up to you. Eat healthy; a diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains, along with healthy oils (such as olive oil) may protect the skin from damage by free radicals. This is because these foods have high levels of antioxidants. Increase your intake of antioxidants like pomegranates, blueberries, green tea or fruits with high water content. Daily exercise keeps blood flowing, which brings oxygen to the skin.

Be happy. Yes you heard it right! A research shows that men and women who are depressed or divorced or those using antidepressants looked older than married or widowed people of the same age. At the very least, being happy will help you not care so much about the wrinkles!

Wrinkles are not considered medical conditions or life-threatening or harmful to physical health. Getting rid of wrinkles or taking steps to postpone their development are always optional measures, because it is important for the individual to bear this in mind when considering treatment options. At the end of the day, it’s all about feeling good about yourself.

With inputs from: Skin wrinkles and blemishes | University of Maryland Medical Center.

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Goodbye, acne

Suffering from acne? Get some help with these five easy DIY ways to fight acne for a blemish free skin.
by Deepa Mistry

The weather is currently yo-yoing, unable to decide between rainy gloom or sudden bursts of sunshine. And this causes breakouts on your face and other parts of the body.

treat acneEvery woman dreams of having a clear skin, but waking up with a giant zit is a horror that each of us experiences from time to time. A pimple always catches you off guard on the day you want to look your best. Most of us would just cover it up with lots of makeup, but no matter how much foundation and concealer you slather on, it’s just a temporary remedy.

Acne can be very distressing; and though your pimples can be treated with various treatments, they leave permanent scars. People believe acne happens only to teens or people in their late teens, but we find that breakouts are increasingly caused in adults due to stress, lifestyle choices and hormonal changes.

Dr Manisha Shah, dermatologist, says, “Acne is mostly seen on the face, but it can also occur on other parts of the body, such as on the neck, back and the shoulders. A pimple arises due to some sort of skin damage; during the healing process, the body creates new skin cells and collagen fibers – this repair process leads to the formation of acne scars.

Its full form is Acne Vulgaris. Acne is also caused during adolescence, ovulation, menstrual cycles, pregnancy or if birth control pills are taken. Blood impurity causes acne breakouts too, so avoid oily and junk foods.”

But all is not lost – you can combat acne with a few simple home remedies. Try these five simple tricks:
Aloe vera: It is most easily available in almost every household. The magic lies in the gel-like substance found in its leaves, which has the ability to heal skin problems. Peel the green upper portion of the leaf, and scoop out the gel with a spoon. Apply a little quantity to the scarred tissue. Apply twice a day, leave it for half an hour and wash with water. Over a few days, you will notice that not only does the acne scar become undetectable, but your skin also feels tighter and gets a distinct glow.

neem leavesNeem leaves: Neem contains alkaloids which have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. This makes it effective against a wide range of skin problems, right from acne and eczema to ringworm, because it also has the property of cleansing the body of toxins. Make a neem paste with a little water and apply on the affected area for some time. You will see the difference over a period of time.

Baking soda: This handy kitchen must-have is the simplest and fastest cure for acne. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with water to form a paste. Just slather it over your zits before you go to bed and rinse it off in the morning. Similarly, a corn starch and water mask also helps exfoliates skin.

Toothpaste: For a quick anti-redness remedy, cover your pimples with toothpaste, leave for 10 minutes or so, and then rinse. For a deeper cure, apply toothpaste on your pimples before going to bed and cover with a bandage or soft cloth, and leave overnight. Wash the toothpaste off in the morning. If you have sensitive skin, do not opt for toothpaste with whitening properties.

Fenugreek and cumin seeds: The most recommended remedy for pimples. A fenugreek paste made with water is the fenugreek-seedsperfect aid to avoid further breakouts. A paste made with cumin seeds mixed with water is a must as it is a rich source of zinc.

Apart from the above tricks, the two key ingredients to use are cucumber paste and lime juice. Cucumber applied daily removes dead skin cells and cleans pores, while keeping skin hydrated and moisturised to remove extra oil. Lime juice also plays a key role in preventing acne; it not only does not allow pimples to dry out, but it also kills acne bacteria, providing a calming effect to the skin. Besides, its vitamin C content maintains healthy and glowing skin. Simply rub a cotton ball dipped in lime juice on your face every day and rinse.

The simplest remedy is detox. Drink a lot of water, eat garlic every day, and consume foods with a high content of vitamins. Try including eggs, carrot juice, lean meats, green leafy vegetables, chicken, oats and mushrooms in your diet. Cut down on oily food, caffeine, alcohol and carbs.

Avoid oil-based cosmetics and try some deep breathing exercises, as stress is a major cause for acne. Nowadays acne-curing pills are also easily available in the market, but they contain hormone affecting properties which can harm you. Pimple extractor creams are also available, but they can cause skin irritation and can leave marks.

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Get out this weekend

Make the most of this long weekend with these six getaways around Mumbai – all within reasonable driving distance, too.
by Deepa Mistry

Weekends are always looked forward to, irrespective of how busy your week might have been. Weekend monsoon vacations are popular amongst everyone – who doesn’t like to sit by a waterfall or simply admire lush greenery? This is also the perfect season to go trekking.

This weekend, make the most of the sporadic rain showers and rejuvenate yourself in the lap of nature. Since a lot of places are considered ‘off-season’ at this time of year, this is actually the best time to go to these places as they aren’t much in demand and you can have a peaceful holiday. But since this weekend is a long one – with the Independence Day break on August 15 followed by Saturday and Sunday, you would do well to pre-book your holiday resort.

If you’re making plans for this weekend, we can help you out with six destinations around Mumbai:
Kolad: A three-hour drive from Mumbai will bring you to the beautiful marshlands of Kolad, with the majestic Sahyadris that form the best backdrop to the magnificent valleys. Kolad offers the chance to play various adventure sports like white-water river rafting, kayaking, trekking, and river crossing at Kundalika River. You can have your own bonfire and camp alongside the river. A lot of resorts have a one-day package for all these adventure sports as well.

Lonavala-Khandala: Monsoons are the best time to experience a blissful natural paradise. These valleys become lush green in the rains and the hill sides become the bearers of lonavalainnumerable waterfalls. Khandala is located at about 100 kms from Mumbai; the easy accessibility this place affords makes it one of the most popular quick getaway destinations from Mumbai. Don’t miss the beautiful and tranquil Bhushi lake, the Tiger’s Leap and the Amrutanjan point which offer an awesome view of the lush valley, the Duke’s Cliff and the Buddhist Caves of Karala and Bhuja. The Lion’s Point offers an amazing view of the valley and a plate of corn and onion bhajjis are a must-have at this point. Besides its natural beauty Lonavala is famous for its chikki.

MatheranMatheran: This beautiful hill station is located at about 100 kms from Mumbai, in Raigad district. A popular weekend destination, this is an eco-sensitive region, as no motorised vehicles are allowed within the town. One can travel around Matheran on foot, horse backs and hand-pulled rickshaws. During monsoons, clouds practically descend on the town and the view of the adjoining valley is totally breath taking; the many natural water falls magnify the mesmerizing effect. The beautiful Lake Charlotte, the ancient Pisarnath Mahadev (Shiv) temple and the Madhavji Garden and several other points are some other attractions of Matheran. This picturesque town is dotted with many beautiful colonial bungalows and a few local eateries. The mini train that connects Matheran with Nerul station is convenient, but the train doesn’t operate during the monsoon. When it starts again in October, you will see that it is a two-hour train ride that takes you across dense forests and lush hilly areas.

Lavasa: The ideal time to visit Lavasa is this season, owing to the pleasant weather that allows the exploration of natural wildlife and waterfalls located in the region. Lavasa is among the planned cities in India located in Pune – it is 65 km from Pune and 180 km from Mumbai, located behind the dam of Varasgaon. Due to its awesome location, people find it an ideal place for mountain climbing, hiking and trekking. Popular attractions here include Lakeshore, which provides an opportunity for adventure activities like boating against the water currents, cruises and jet skiing. It is an all-weather favourite getaway with the climate remaining salubrious throughout the year.

Durshet: Nestled in the lushness of the Western Ghats, Durshet (see pic on right) is a trekker’s paradise during the monsoons. This less frequented getaway is about 70 kms from Mumbai, in Raigad Durshetdistrict. The natural waterfalls spring to life during the monsoons, to provide an amazing experience to anyone who desires a respite from the grind and cacophony of daily life. Durshet is home to several species of birds and fauna. The view of the Sahyadri ranges from this place is spectacular. A jungle safari in the densely wooded region is a delight, as is a visit to the Sri Baleshwara Ashthavinayaka and the Shri Varad Vinayak temples, both dedicated to Lord Ganesha.

Kashid: Located about 30 km from Alibaug, the beach is a popular weekend holiday destination for residents of Mumbai and Pune, and is situated between two rocky hillocks on the Alibaug-Murud road. Kashid beach is known for its clear water and white sandy beach. Kashid is also a good place for some dolphin spotting, but the best time to see the gentle creature of the sea is November to January. Locals operate ferry services to help tourists spot dolphins in the sea. Unlike other beaches of Maharashtra, the Kashid beach is less commercialised and is more peaceful than the other beaches around Alibaug. Moreover, shacks run by locals line the beach and are a good place to taste some local cuisine.

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Stay fighting fit this season

Keep yourself and your family fit this rainy season with some expert tips for eating healthy food and staying disease-free.
by Deepa Mistry

The monsoon season is always greeted with a hearty welcome by soaking in the rains after the scorching summer heat, sipping your favourite cuppa from the road side chai tapri. Like many others, I love this romantic season, especially with some hot road-side vada pavs and kanda bhajjis to gorge. But the street food that we crave in this season is actually a gateway for viruses and illnesses; therefore we must avoid eating out at all costs.

The monsoons come with both pros and cons; they reduce our overall immunity and make us susceptible to many diseases. We have to help our body resist these diseases, by boosting our immunity and taking precautions. Some of the diseases associated with the monsoon are malaria, jaundice, and gastro-intestinal infections like typhoid and cholera. Apart from these, viral infections like cold and cough are common and spread fast.

Dr Vidya Yevale, nutritionist says, “During monsoons, it’s highly recommended that you avoid outside food, as high humidity makes your digestive system weak. It is important to get the right nutrition and keep your body resistant against diseases by boosting immunity through a healthy diet.”

Confused about what to eat and what to avoid? Wondering how to guard against diseases? Try these tips:
– Have a glass of warm water, one teaspoon honey and a drop of ginger oil every morning. It will cure your sore throat and keep your skin hydrated.

cinnamon tea– Skip your usual black and opt for tulsi or cinnamon green tea. These will also help you lose weight.

– Only drink boiled and purified water from home. If you are travelling, carry your own bottle of purified water.

– Eat raw vegetables and fruit only if you have washed them properly. While washing fruit, add a teaspoon of vinegar to a bowl of water and soak all your fruits for 5 minutes. Wash with plain water before you eat. This method helps wash away all dirt and chemicals.

– Avoid buying pre-cut vegetables and eating salads or cut fruits at restaurants and roadside stalls.

– Try to avoid direct intake of dairy products like raita and cottage cheese (paneer) while eating outside. Curd or buttermilk is a preferable option over milk.

– Eat fresh home-cooked food and add a little ginger-garlic to all your meals. Ginger is known to have properties that increase immunity.

– Hot soups are the best to fight cold and cough during this season. Add some pepper as it is loaded with vitamins and disease-fighting properties.

– Try and avoid too much of fish or meat. Stock your fridge with green vegetables, cereals and fruit. Also avoid fried or overcooked food since it decreases your body’s digestive efficiency.

Homemaker Prerana Singh shares her healthy cooking tips. “During monsoons, my kids love to munch on street food like samosas, corn-on-the-cob, chaats but avoid home cooked chana chaatfood so I have started making all these dishes at home. I secretly add vegetables they don’t like in my home-made burger patties and samosas and they love it.”

Children can nag you for street food during the monsoons, so make sure you eat from a good restaurant and the food served is piping hot. Also, drink plenty of water as it helps wash out all the toxins and helps you detox. As you eat healthy this monsoon, stay fit by trying some easy exercises at home – try yoga, pranayama and Surya Namaskar – which will boost your immunity against cold and flu.

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